luni, 18 mai 2009

Fukakusa Motohiro Sensei

La stagiul organizat de Fundația Română de Aikido Aikikai, cu maestrul Fukakusa Motohiro (7 dan Aikikai Aikido), de joi 14.05.2009 până duminică 17.09.2009.

Noul dojo al FRAA s-a dovedit a fi locul pe care il asteptam cu totii pentru un eveniment de o asemenea anvergura desi faptul ca nu este 100% finalizat a facut ca atmosfera sa se "incinga" la propriu :)
Participanti numerosi au sosit de la aproape toate dojo-urile noastre si sunt absolut convins ca acest stagiu a fost o experienta foarte buna pentru fiecare dintre ei.
Fukakusa sensei a demonstrat, intr-un stil foarte relaxat si martial totodata, o varietate de tehnici, urmarind insa linia maestrului Fujita Masatake, al carui bun prieten este. A avut amabilitatea de a raspunde la o serie de intrebari referitoare la Aikido - tin sa ii multumesc prietenului nostru care a avut amabilitatea de a intermedia acest dialog in calitate de translator, maestrul Florin Popescu - iar o parte din raspunsuri au fost insotite si de exemplificari practice.
Am avut sansa, alaturi de alti colegi, de a fi uke al maestrului pentru cateva din tehnicile demonstrate, si consider acest fapt ca o mare onoare, care mi-a permis sa simt si nu numai sa vad, tehnica maestrului. Ma bucur ca vom avea placerea de a-l revedea in luna noiembrie, cand Dorin Marchis, presedintele FRAA, l-a invitat pe maestru sa fie alaturi de noi la inaugurarea Centrului de Arta si Cultura Japoneza.
Sper sa mai primesc ceva fotografii si sa le afisez pentru cei interesati.

 Sensei Fukakusa Motohiro

At the seminar organized by the Romanian Aikido Aikikai Foundation, with
Fukakusa Motohiro (seven degree black belt Aikido Aikikai), from Thursday, 14.05.2005 until Sunday, 17.05.2009.

The new Romanian Aikido Aikikai Foundation’s dojo proved to be the place we all expected for an event with such a span although the fact that it is not 100% finalized made the atmosphere “get warm” .
Numerous practitioners came from almost all our dojos and, I am absolutely convinced that this seminar was a very good experience for each of them.
Sensei Fukakusa demonstrated, in a very relaxed and, in the same time, martial manner, a variety of techniques, following though the line of Master Fujita Masatake , whose good friend he is. He had the amiability to answer a series of questions regarding Aikido – I want to thank our friend who had the amiability to intermediate this dialogue as a translator, Master Florin Popescu – and part of the answers were accompanied also by practical exemplifications.
I had the chance, along with other colleagues, of being the uke for the Master for some of the demonstrated techniques and I consider this fact as a great honor, which allowed me to feel, not only to see, the master’s technique. I am glad that we will have the pleasure to see him again in November, when Dorin Marchis, the Romanian Aikido Aikikai Foundation’s president, invited the Master to be with us at the inauguration of the Centre of Japanese Art and Culture.
I hope to receive some pictures which I will post for those interested.
1 comment:

bobresmerita – 19th of May 2009, 12:46 PM

My first international seminar in Romania, together with my friends, was, without doubt, the most awaited experience from this year.
I thank Sensei Fukakusa for his interventions on my way to deepen and perfect the techniques and Sensei Adi for the help and support shown during the seminar but also in our weekly trainings.
In only one word, I look forward to the next one.


Un comentariu:

  1. Primul meu stagiu international in Romania, alaturi de prieteni, a fost, fara urma de indoiala, cea mai asteptata experienta a anului.

    Multumesc Sensei Fukakusa pentru interventiile sale in drumul meu pentru aprofundarea si desavarsirea technicilor si Sensei Adi pentru sprijinul si suportul aratat atat pe durata stagiului cat si in treiningurile saptamanale.

    Intr'un cuvant, I look forward to the next one :-)
