marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Stagiul aniversar Doshin - Anniversary seminar Doshin

Si in acest an am fost invitati, atat eu cat si sensei Sorin Despa, sa participam la al saptelea stagiu aniversar al dojo-ului Doshin din Ramnicu-Valcea.

In this year too, we were invited, myself and Sorin Despa sensei, to attend the seventh anniversary seminar of Ramnicu-Valcea's Doshin dojo.

Au fost peste 50 de participanti, incluzand aici practicanti din Ramnicu-Valcea, Bucuresti (Kenshin dojo, Tenchi dojo) si Pitesti (Aikikai Pitesti).

More than 50 practitioners attended, including those from Ramnicu-Valcea, Bucuresti (Kenshin dojo and Tenchi dojo) and Pitesti (Aikikai Pitesti).

Au fost practici atat pentru copii, pentru incepatori (pana la kyu 2 inclusiv) cat si pentru avansati (peste kyu 2). Cei mai multi au fost copii si cei mai putini avansatii, insa pentru toate categoriile de practicanti au fost demonstrate si practicate tehnici specifice.

We had keiko for the children, beginners (till kyu 2 inclusive) and for advanced Iover kyu 2). The biggest group was that of the children and the smaller that of the advanced one, but specific techniques were demonstrated and practiced for all attendees.

Toti practicantii examinati au fost promovati in urma unui test riguros, conform regulilor Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai.

All examined practitioner were promoted following a rigorous test, according the Romanian Aikido Aikikai Foundation's test.

A fost un seminar reusit si mi-a facut mare placere sa fiu alaturi de colegii nostri din Valcea.

It was a very good seminar and I really enjoyed to be together with our Valcea colleagues.

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