joi, 2 februarie 2012

Membri de onoare - Honorary members

Fundatia Romana de Aikido Aikikai, prin membrii sai, transmite si promoveaza Aikido, arta martiala creata de O Sensei Ueshiba Morihei. Aikido nu este numai o arta martiala ci si o Cale spirituala, care ii ajuta sa evolueze pe cei ce o parcurg.

Aikido nu este insa singura Cale prin care oamenii pot evolua; exista si altele, nu neaparat in domeniul artelor martiale. Cu siguranta insa exista o Cale potrivita pentru fiecare si este nevoie numai de aspiratia catre progres pentru a o cauta si a o gasi.

Pentru ca in Aikido incercam sa transmitem si valorile morale fundamentale, alaturi de tehnica, conducerea Fundatiei Romane de Aikido a decis sa acorde trei tipuri de distinctii, pentru acei oameni care, membri sau nu ai organizatiei, fac o diferenta prin ceea ce fac zi de zi.

Primul tip de distinctie, adresat numai membrilor Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai, este diploma de merit pentru intreaga activitate. Pana in prezent aceasta distinctie a fost acordata numai o singura data, lui Dan Viorel sensei, dojo-cho al Rakuten dojo.

Al doilea tip de distinctie - cea de membru de onoare al Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai, se adreseaza atat practicantilor de Aikido cu merite deosebite indiferent de afilierea acestora cat si ne-practicantilor de Aikido care au merite deosebite in domeniile lor de activitate. Pana in prezent aceasta distinctie a fost acordata unui numar de sapte persoane : Fujita Masatake sensei - Aikikai Hombu Shihan, director tehnic al F.R.A.A. si mentor al organizatiei, Fukakusa Motohiro sensei - Aikikai Shihan si presedinte al Aikikai Thailanda, Yamada Jun - Aikikai Shihan si presedinte al Aikikai Malaezia, Fujii Koichi sensei - Aikikai Shihan si director tehnic al Aikikai Hokkaido, Agostino Pagano sensei - maestru al Aikikai Italia si un mare prieten al F.R.A.A., Igor Smhygin sensei - presedinte al Aikikai Ukraina si un foarte bun prieten al F.R.A.A. si maestrului Dan Puric - actor, scriitor, regizor, om de cultura si laureat al premiului anual al F.R.A.A.

Al treilea tip de distinctie este Premiul anual al Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai, acordat acelor personalitati care, in domeniul lor de activitate, au rezultate deosebite si ii inspira pe cei din jurul lor si astfel contribuie in mod esential la ceea ce noi numim redesteptarea spiritului nostru national, european si universal. Aceasta distinctie a fost acordata pentru prima oara in anul 2010, maestrului Dan Puric si confera de asemenea, calitatea de membru de onoare al Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai.

Toate distinctiile de mai sus sunt absolut onorifice, ele fiind acordate prin decizia conducerii F.R.A.A. si pot fi acceptate sau nu de catre cei nominalizati. Acceptarea acestor distinctii nu implica nici un fel de obligatii fata de F.R.A.A. ele fiind numai si numai dovada aprecierii noastre fata de aceste persoane, considerate deosebite de catre noi. Exista si pareri critice fata de aceasta initiativa, iar una dintre ele chiar mi se pare demna de a fi mentionata : s-a afirmat ca prin acordarea distinctiilor catre personalitati mult mai cunoscute de catre public decat Fundatia noastra, ca incercam astfel sa profitam de notorietatea acestora si, in acelasi timp subliniem lipsa de impact public a propriei noastre oragnizatii. Desi am respins aceasta idee in prima instanta, la o analiza ulterioara eram aproape de a fi de acord cu aceasta viziune. Un simplu fapt m-a impiedicat insa : impactul de care il dorim noi este cel din randul membrilor organizatiei noastre; ei sunt cei pe care dorim sa ii inspiram prin aceste personalitati, exemple in domeniile lor de activitate si / sau in practica Aikido. Daca si printre cei ce urmaresc activitatea F.R.A.A. vor fi oameni care vor aprecia ceea ce facem noi, cu atat mai bine.

Dupa aceasta lunga introducere care si-a propus sa prezinte distinctiile F.R.A.A. si filosofia care sta la baza acordarii lor, imi face mare placere sa anunt ca Premiul anual al Fundatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai pentru anul 2011 va fi acordat unei personalitati din domeniul afacerilor, cu o contributie absolut impresionanta in promovarea inteligentei romanesti, nu numai acasa ci in intreaga lume. Nu pot dezvalui numele laureatului deoarece acest privilegiu apartine site-ului F.R.A.A. insa pot spune ca aceasta distinctie va fi acordata in timpul stagiului de la Cluj ce il are ca invitat pe Kobayashi Yukimitsu sensei. Speram si intr-un speech motivational de la laureatul anului 2011.

De asemenea, imi face placere sa va informez ca in acest an Fundatia Romana de Aikido Aikikai a decis sa nominalizeze pentru distinctia de membri de onoare trei mari personalitati ale Aikido-ului, care au privilegiul a se se putea numi pionierii Aikido-ului din Romania. Iarasi nu am sa dezvalui numele acestora, insa pentru cei familiarizati cu istoria Aikido in Romania, misterul nu este deloc mare :-) Postarile vor fi gasite pe site-ul oficial al Fundatiei. Prin aceaste distinctii, care speram ca vor fi acceptate de aceste personalitati, dorim sa transmitem mesajul nostru de apreciere a oamenilor si a muncii lor, incercam sa cladim sau sa intretinem relatii cat mai cordiale, toate in spiritul Aikido, asa cum a fost el creat de O Sensei Ueshiba Morihei.

 Honorary members

The Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation, through its members, transmits and promotes Aikido, the martial art created by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba. Aikido is not just a martial art, it is also a spiritual Path, which helps those who follow it to grow.

But Aikido is not the only Path to follow in order for people to grow; there are other ones too, not necessarily in the field of martial arts. Most certainly though, there is a suitable Path for everyone and there is need only for aspiration towards progress so that it can be searched and found.

Because in aikido we try to transmit the fundamental moral values together with the technique, the leadership of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation decided to award three kinds of distinctions to those people who make a difference in what they do day by day, whether they are members of this organization or not.

The first kind of distinction, addressed only to members of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation, is the Diploma for Lifetime Achievement. So far, this distinction has been awarded only once, to Viorel Dan Sensei, dojo-cho of Bucharest Rakuten Dojo.

The second kind of distinction – the one of the Honorary Member of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation, is awarded to Aikido practitioners who have outstanding achievements, regardless of their affiliation, as well as to those who donot practice Aikido, but have outstanding achievements in their field of activity. So far, this distinction has been awarded to seven people: Fujita Masatake Sensei - Aikikai Hombu Shihan, Technical Director of the R. A. A. F. and also Mentor of the organization, Fukakusa Motohiro Sensei - Aikikai Shihan and President of Aikikai Thailand, Yamada Jun - Aikikai Shihan and President of Aikikai Malaysia, Fujii Koichi Sensei - Aikikai Shihan and Technical Director of Aikikai Hokkaido, Agostino Pagano Sensei – Master of Aikikai Italy and a great friend of the R. A. A. F., Igor Shmygin Sensei - President of Aikikai Ukraine and a very good friend of the R. A. A. F. and Master Dan Puric - actor, writer, director, man of culture and laureate of the annual award of the R. A. A. F.

The third kind of distinction is the Annual Award of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation, given to those personalities who have outstanding achievements in their field of activity and do inspire those around them, thus contributing in an essential way to what we call the revival of our national, European and universal spirit. This distinction was awarded for the first time in 2010 to Master Dan Puric and this also conferred him the quality of Honorary Member in the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation.

All the distinctions mentioned above are absolutely honorary and they are awarded by the decision of the leadership of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation. These distinctions can be accepted or not by the nominees. The acceptance of these awards does not involve any obligations towards the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation as they are only the proof of our apreciation towards these persons we consider to be all-important. There are
critically opinions in what considers this initiative and one of them I really think it is worth beeing mentioned about: it has been said that awarding these distinctions to personalities who are better-known to the public than our foundation, we actually try to take advantage of their notoriety and, at the same time, we emphasize the lack of public impact of our own organization. Although I have rejected this idea at first, after further investigation I was almost to agree this point of view. There was this simple fact that prevented me from sharing it: the impact that we look for aims at members of our organization; they are the ones we want to be inspired by these personalities, these paradigms in their field of activity and/or in practicing Aikido. If amongst those who follow the activity of R. A. A. F. there are people who appreciate what we are doing, the better.

After this long introduction which is meant to present the distinctions awarded by the R. A. A. F. and the philosophy these awards are built upon, it makes me a great pleasure to announce that the Annual Award for 2011 is given by the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation to a business personality, with a most impressive contribution to promoting the Romanian intelligence, not only in our country, but also all around the world. I cannot reveal the laureate’s name as this privilege belongs to the website of R. A. A. F., but I can say that this distinction will be awarded during the seminary from Cluj, when Kobayashi Yukimitsu Shihan has been invited to come. We hope to hear a motivational speech from the laureate of 2011!

I am also pleased to let you know that this year the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation decided to nominate three great personalities in Aikido for the distinction of Honorary Members, as these persons have the privilege to be called pioneers in Aikido in Romania. Again, I shall not reveal their names, but for those who are familiar to the history of Aikido in Romania, there is no great mystery.  The posts can be found on, the official website of the Foundation. Through these awards, which we hope that are going to be accepted by these personalities, we wish to convey our message of appreciation to these people and their work, we try to build or maintain relations as cordial, all in the spirit of Aikido, as it has been created by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.

Translation by Irina Gaspar, Cluj-Napoca

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