joi, 20 decembrie 2012
joi, 6 decembrie 2012
Spre Vest - stagiul de la Craiova, 1-2 decembrie 2012 - Towards West - Craiova seminar, 1-2 December, 2012
Ultimul stagiu din acest an, la care am fost invitat sa particip, ca si instructor, de colegii nostri de la Aikido Aikikai Craiova, s-a desfasurat timp de doua zile la inceputul lunii decembrie.
The last seminar of this year, where I was invited to attend, as the teacher, by our colleagues from Aikido Aikikai Craiova, was held during the first two days of December.
Cele trei practici (doua sambata si una duminica), fiecare de peste doua ore, au permis practicantilor sa exerseze tehnicile de deplasare, caderile, exercitiile de incalzire, de respiratie si tehnicile specifice Aikido.
The three sessions (two on Saturday and one on Sunday), each one longer than two hours, allowed to the practitioners to exercise the techniques for movement, falling, warm-up, breething and the specific techniques of Aikido.
Asa cum fac de fiecare data, atat la dojo-ul meu Kenshin cat si la stagiile unde sunt invitat sa predau, am inceput tehnica cu cele patru deplasari - tenkan - demonstrate de Fujita Masatake sensei : Soto tenkan, Uchi tenkan, Soto Irimi si Uchi Irimi.
As always, in my dojo Kenshin or at the seminars where I am invited to teach, I started the tecqnique with the four movements - tenkan - demonstrated by Fujita Masatake sensei : Soto tenkan, Uchi tenkan, Soto Irimi si Uchi Irimi.
Tema principala a seminarului a fost Ai hanmi (ca atac) iar tehnicile predate au fost Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, Irimi nage, Kote gaeshi, Uchi kaiten nage si Kokyu nage (diferite forme).
The main theme of the seminar was Ai hanmi (the attack) and the teached techniques were Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, Irimi nage, Kote gaeshi, Uchi kaiten nage and Kokyu nage (various forms).
Iarasi, absolut previzibil, lectiile au fost finalizate intotdeauna cu Suwari waza ryote dori kokyu ho . Again, very predictible, the sessions were always finalised with Suwari waza ryote dori kokyu h.
Inchei aici, multumind organizatorului Alin Folea sensei cat si tuturor celor ce au participat, atat de la dojo-urile din Craiova (Aikido Aikikai Craiova, Ki Shin Tai si Adi san), cat si celor din Bucuresti (Dumkan si Kenshin).
Iend here, thanking to the organiser Alin Folea sensei as well as all attendees, for the Craiova's dojo's (Aikido Aikikai Craiova, Ki Shin Tai and Adi san) and Bucharest's dojo's (Dumkan and Kenshin).
The last seminar of this year, where I was invited to attend, as the teacher, by our colleagues from Aikido Aikikai Craiova, was held during the first two days of December.
Cele trei practici (doua sambata si una duminica), fiecare de peste doua ore, au permis practicantilor sa exerseze tehnicile de deplasare, caderile, exercitiile de incalzire, de respiratie si tehnicile specifice Aikido.
The three sessions (two on Saturday and one on Sunday), each one longer than two hours, allowed to the practitioners to exercise the techniques for movement, falling, warm-up, breething and the specific techniques of Aikido.
Asa cum fac de fiecare data, atat la dojo-ul meu Kenshin cat si la stagiile unde sunt invitat sa predau, am inceput tehnica cu cele patru deplasari - tenkan - demonstrate de Fujita Masatake sensei : Soto tenkan, Uchi tenkan, Soto Irimi si Uchi Irimi.
As always, in my dojo Kenshin or at the seminars where I am invited to teach, I started the tecqnique with the four movements - tenkan - demonstrated by Fujita Masatake sensei : Soto tenkan, Uchi tenkan, Soto Irimi si Uchi Irimi.
Tema principala a seminarului a fost Ai hanmi (ca atac) iar tehnicile predate au fost Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, Irimi nage, Kote gaeshi, Uchi kaiten nage si Kokyu nage (diferite forme).
The main theme of the seminar was Ai hanmi (the attack) and the teached techniques were Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, Irimi nage, Kote gaeshi, Uchi kaiten nage and Kokyu nage (various forms).
Iarasi, absolut previzibil, lectiile au fost finalizate intotdeauna cu Suwari waza ryote dori kokyu ho . Again, very predictible, the sessions were always finalised with Suwari waza ryote dori kokyu h.
Inchei aici, multumind organizatorului Alin Folea sensei cat si tuturor celor ce au participat, atat de la dojo-urile din Craiova (Aikido Aikikai Craiova, Ki Shin Tai si Adi san), cat si celor din Bucuresti (Dumkan si Kenshin).
Iend here, thanking to the organiser Alin Folea sensei as well as all attendees, for the Craiova's dojo's (Aikido Aikikai Craiova, Ki Shin Tai and Adi san) and Bucharest's dojo's (Dumkan and Kenshin).
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