Este penultima zi a anului 2010. Din multe puncte de vedere nu a fost un an ușor, însă acum, la final, mă bucur că am depășit obstacolele apărute pe parcurs și că în curând vom intra într-un nou an.
Two more days untill the end of the year 2010. From many viewpoints it was not so easy a year, but at its end, I am glad that we have overcome the obstacles that have appeared and that we will very soon enter a New Year.
Kenshin dojo a crescut in anul 2010, in primul rand din punct de vedere moral si, in al doilea rand, din punct de vedere al numarului practicantilor. Desi parerea mea este ca artele martiale in general, Aikido in particular, nu sunt destinate maselor largi de oameni, este imbucurator sa constat ca mai multi oameni au decis sa mearga pe cale alaturi de mine. Pe de alta parte, ceea ce intradevar este remarcabil, este ca cei prezenti in dojo par sa inteleaga mesajul Aikido - sau macar incearca sa o faca. Stiu asta nu din simplele lor declaratii ci din faptele practicantilor. Faptul ca unii dintre ei, desi accidentati, au venit sa priveasca practica (me no keiko, asa cum spune Fujita sensei in cartea sa Aikido keiko ho); participarea lor la stagiile Fundatiei; participarea la practicile saptamanale ale dojo-ului; faptul ca unii dintre ei au gasit in ei puterea de a practica mai mult mergand si la alte dojo-uri bucurestene. Toate acestea imi demonstreaza ca unii dintre practicanti sunt pe cale, cu adevarat.
Kenshin dojo grew in the year 2010, firstly from a moral point of view and, secondy, as number of practitioners. Even if my personal viewpoint it's that martial arts generally and Aikido in particular, are not for large masses of people, it is good to see that more persons decided to walk the Path alongside me. On the other hand, what it is really good it is that more dojo practitioners seems to understand the message of Aikido - or at least they try to understand it. I know that not form their declarations, but from their actions. Due to the fact that some of them, even injured, camed and watched the practice (me no keiko as said by Fujita sensei in his book Aikido keiko ho); their attendance ot the RAAF's seminars; their attandance at the regular practices at the dojo; the fact that some of them found the power to practice more at other Bucharest's dojos. All these proves to me that some of the practitioners are truly on the Path.
Cu toate acestea nu sunt inca multumit. Cred ca atitudinea justa trebuie impartasita si demonstrata de mai multi dintre practicanti. Cred ca mai mult efort si mai multa perseverenta nu au cum sa fie inutile. Cred ca mai multa pasiune este folositoare.
With all that, I am still not satisfied. I belive that the right attitude must be shared and demonstrated by more practitioners. I belive that more effort and more perseverence can not be useless. I belive that more passion it is useful.
Niciodata nu este prea mult sa repet valorile fundamentale care se afla la baza practicii Aikido si a altor arte martiale : respect, perseverenta, vointa, curaj, modestie, dorinta de autodepasire, compasiune si rabdare.
It is never to much to repeat the core values which stand at the basis of Aikido practice : respect, perseverence, willpower, courage, modesty, desire for self-improvement , compassion and respect.
Sper ca cele de mai sus ii vor motiva si mai mult pe cei ce fac parte din dojo-ul meu si ma astept sa mearga in continuare pe cale.
I hope that all the above mentioned will motivate furtheron the members of my dojo and I expect them to keep walking on the Path.
Un An Nou cat mai bun tuturor.
A Happy New Year to everybody.
joi, 30 decembrie 2010
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