La invitatia maestrului Rafael Udeanu, am participat alaturi de Sorin Despa sensei, la examinarea comuna a practicantilor dojo-urilor din Pitesti, Calinesti, Topoloveni si Budeasa. In total am examinat 98 de practicanti pentru grade cuprinse intre 10 kyu si 3 kyu. A fost una din acele placute ocazii cand nu am refuzat promovarea niciunui practicant, iar aceasta este situatia ideala pentru noi,
Invited by Rafael Udeanu sensei, I attended together with Sorin Despa sensei, to the common examination of the Pitesti, Calinesti, Topoloveni and Budeasa's dojo's practitioners. We examined a total of 98 students for ranks between 10 kyu and 3 kyu. It was one of those pleasant occasions when we did not denied the promotion to no-one and this is the ideal situation for us.
Numarul mare de copii insotiti de parinti a facut ca aceasta examinare sa aiba un numeros public, care s-a comportat foarte bine, contribuind astfel la o buna atmosfera. Nu pot sa nu va impartasesc faptul ca toti acesti copii din dojo-urile amplasate in sate, mi s-au parut foarte seriosi si motivati. Aceeasi remarca o am si la adresa adultilor, mentionand o singura informatie care mie mi s-a parut semnificativa : practicantul promovat la gradul 3 kyu parcurge in fiecare zi de practica, 10 km la dus si 10 km la intors, pe jos. Aceasta dedicatie este exemplara si vreau sa ii felicit pe Rafael Udeanu sensei si pe Horatiu Pepenel sensei pentru ca reusesc sa ii inspire pe elevii lor.
The big number of children accompanied by relatives caused a numerous public to this exam, which behaved very well, contributing in this way for a good atmosphere. I can not not to share with you the fact that all those children from the dojos located in villages, seemed very motivated and serious to me.The same remarque it is valid for the adults also sand I mention only one relevant information : the student promoted to 3 kyu walks every practice day, 10 km for coming to the dojo and 10 km for returning from the dojo. This dedication it is exemplary and I congratulate Rafael Udeanu sensei and Horatiu Pepenel sensei for being able to inspire their students.
Fotografii in momentul in care vor fi disponibile. Photographs when available,
luni, 18 aprilie 2011
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