marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Examinari - Exams

In 26.10.2011 am examinat pe cativa dintre practicantii de la Kenshin dojo. A fost un examen bun si toti cei examinati au promovat. Din aceasta data Kenshin dojo are doi noi yudansha : Valentin Paun si Cristian Vlaescu.
Felicitari tuturor !

I examined some of Kenshin dojo practitioners on October 26, 2011. It was a good exam and all the examinees were promoted. From this date on Kenshin dojo has two new yudansha : Valentin Paun and Cristian Vlaescu.
Congratulations to all !

Multumiri catre George Stoian sensei (Kenshin dojo), Sorin Despa sensei (Tenchi dojo) si Nicolae Mitu sensei (Itsushin dojo) pentru asistenta. Lui Mitu sensei ii multumim si pentru faptul ca ne-a pus la dispozitie dojo-ul sau pentru examinare.

Thanks to George Stoian sensei (Kenshin dojo), Sorin Despa sensei (Tenchi dojo) and to Nicolae Mitu sensei (Itsushin dojo) for their assistance. We thank Mitu sensei for allowing us to use his dojo for the exam.

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