Imi plac examenele, chiar si atunci cand nu sunt eu cel examinat si particip doar ca uke, pentru ca sunt cele mai intense antrenamente. De data asta, fiind si eu printre cei examinati, chiar ma asteptam sa fie solicitant. Si a fost.
Nu stiu cum s-a vazut din public, dar stiu ca de pe tatami am simtit tensiunea. Am simtit cum se combina incarcatura emotionala cu efortul fizic. Am simtit cum ma comport atunci cand creste ritmul cardiac iar momentul de pauza nu mai vine. Si am simtit cum la un moment dat, o parte din mine a incetat sa mai functioneze. Iar ce m-a impresionat cel mai tare este ca in acele momente, desi nu nimeream intotdeauna pe procedeul cerut de sensei, am reusit sa-mi pastrez atitudinea de luptator, sa evit atacul si sa execut o alta tehnica. A urmat apoi Ju-Waza. Atacurile curgeau si imi doream sa execut alte tehnici, insa m-am surprins cum pe unele am inceput sa le repet. A fost si atacul celor 3 adversari, iar spre final, ping-pong-ul caderilor.
Interesant, cand m-am uitat la sfarsit, am vazut ca totul n-a durat decat un ceas.
Stiu, am vorbit cam mult despre mine, insa n-am apucat sa vad mare lucru despre altcineva. Multumesc colegilor cu care am lucrat si sper sa lucram in continuare la fel de bine, poate chiar mai bine, pentru a trece peste obstacolele pe care mi le-am descoperit in timpul examenului.
I like exams, even when I am not the examined one and I participate only as uke, because those are the most intense practice times. This time, being among those examined, I expected to be even more solicitant. And it was.
I don't know how it was seen from the audience, but I know that from tatami I felt the tension. I felt how the emotional charge combines with physical effort. I felt how I act when heart rate increases and break time is not coming. And I felt how at some moment, a part of me has stopped working. But what impressed me most is that in those moments, though I did not always fall on the techniques required by sensei, I managed to keep my attitude of a fighter, to avoid the attack and to apply another technique. After that, it followed Ju-Waza. Attacks flew and I wanted to execute other techniques, but I surprised myself how some of them began to repeat. Then was also the 3 enemies attack, and to end the ping-pong falls.
Interestingly, when I looked at the end, I saw that everything lasted only one hour.
I know, I've talked a lot about me, but I couldn't see too much about anyone else. I thank to colleagues with whom I worked and still hope to work as well in the future, perhaps better, to overcome the obstacles that I've discovered during the exam.
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